Please do not come to the office if you are exhibiting the following symptoms: fever of 100 degrees or higher, cough, difficulty breathing or a severe respiratory illness. If you ARE experiencing these symptoms please call the Washoe County Health District hotline at 775-328-2427 for instructions (or your local health department if you are outside of Washoe county) Please call our front desk at 775-359-5010 extension 3, before coming to the office should you feel you are having increased asthma symptoms. Please note that we are unable to administer allergy injections if you are sick, please skip your shots until you are well. Thank you for your cooperation and help in keeping those in our community healthy and safe.
If you would like to learn more about recommendations for asthmatics please click HERE Learn more about Social Distancing HERE
We are excited to announce that after much research into peer studies and how other allergists are handling reaction to COVID-19 vaccinations: our office is now offering testing to PEG (Polyethylene glycol) and Polysorbate 80; two common additives that are often the culprits in vaccine reactions. This testing is not FDA approved, but it is being done by other allergy offices around the country and Dr. Lokshin is confident in the protocol that has been created. If you are interested in this testing, please contact the office to schedule an appointment with a provider to discuss if you are a good candidate.